Page 10 - Deadliest Snakes
P. 10

A Speedy Snake

              When it comes to speed, the black mamba is the undis-
              puted champion of the snake world. Many sources claim
              that this reptile’s top speed is about 12 miles per hour (19
              km/h). Some experts believe that this is an exaggeration
              and that the real number is closer to 10 miles per hour

              (16 km/h). But either way, it is fast. In the open, a person
              could probably outrun a black mamba in full slither—but
              this snake is not usually encountered in the open. It lurks
              in areas full of bushes, trees, and undergrowth that pre-
              vent top running speeds. The black mamba could easily
              overtake a fl eeing human in these conditions.
                 Luckily for its potential victims, the black mamba uses

              its frightening speed mostly to escape from danger, not
              to attack. If cornered, though, the snake can and will do
              anything necessary to protect itself—and it will do it quick-
              ly. No one is safe when the black mamba puts its terrify-
              ing speed to work.

              breeding season, or when defending their territory. They
              will also become aggressive toward anyone or anything
              that blocks the path to their lair.
                 It is not hard to tell when a black mamba is upset.
              An angry mamba turns to face any threat head-on. It
              raises the front one-third of its body off the ground and

              spreads the skin of its neck slightly to make itself seem
              larger. It opens its black mouth wide and hisses. It may
              even move toward the intruder in this position. Extreme-
              ly upset black mambas have been known to move for-
              ward with their heads and bodies raised high above the

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