Page 5 - Deadliest Snakes
P. 5

described as being coffi n shaped—a suitable descrip-
               tion considering this snake’s killing power. The eyes are

               round, medium in size, and dark brown in the center,
               with pale yellow rings along the outer edges.
                   In terms of its overall build, the black mamba’s body
               is rounded, with a tapering tail, and it is frighteningly
               long. This snake’s average length is about 8 to 9 feet
               (2.5 to 3 m), but some individuals are much bigger. The

               largest recorded black mamba was nearly 15 feet (4.5
               m) long, or about the length of a car, making this reptile
               Africa’s longest venomous snake and the world’s sec-
               ond longest, after the king cobra.
                   Despite its intimidating length, the black mamba is
               not bulky. This snake has a slender build that makes
               it surprisingly lightweight for its length. Even the lon-

               gest black mambas usually weigh less than 4 pounds
               (1.8 kg). This slim, light frame lets the black mamba
               slither easily across tree branches, slip into cracks
               and crevices, or travel anywhere else it wants to go.

               Home and Habits

               Black mambas are found across a large part of south-
               eastern Africa. They have been occasionally reported
               in western Africa as well, although scientists have not
               confi rmed these sightings. Within their known range,
               black mambas are fairly common and in no danger of

                   Black mambas are found in dry regions and are
               mostly ground dwellers. They prefer low, open areas
               such as savannas, but may settle in woodlands and
               forests as well. They are sometimes found in hilly areas
               at higher altitudes, up to a maximum of about 6,000

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