Page 6 - LGBT Families
P. 6

Negative reactions to one’s
       family can be hurtful, but
       they can also make a person
       stronger. One young woman
       learned not to worry about
       the comments of outsiders,
       instead choosing to feel pride
       in herself and her family.

                 When David was young, he knew no one besides himself who
              had two dads. He worried about how other kids would react to his
              family, so he only let certain kids come over to his house. Once
              in high school, however, his secret came out. During one of his
              classes, the teacher put a box at the front of the room and told
              the students to write down any questions, anonymously, and put
              them in the box. At the next class, the teacher would answer the
              questions. David wrote three questions: Is it wrong to have two fa-
              thers? How can a baby be born with two fathers? If a boy has two
              fathers, can he marry a girl? The next time the class met, David
              anxiously waited to hear her answers. “The teacher took out the
              pieces of paper and began to answer some of the questions,” he
              writes. “Finally, she got to my piece of paper and read my ques-
              tions aloud. The classroom erupted with laughter and someone
              yelled, ‘Who’s got fags for folks?’ Someone else answered: ‘I bet
              you it’s David, because he’s got two last names, one from each
              dad!’ Laughter fi lled the air.” David raced from the classroom to
              his house and told his parents about what had happened.

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