Page 10 - My FlipBook
P. 10


               Note: Boldface page numbers          Golden Fleece and, 47, 49,
                 indicate illustrations.             65
                                                    Lemnian women and, 59
               Achilles (hero), 62, 63            Argus, 46
               Aeetes (king of Colchis), 47–49    Artemis (deity), 25, 32
               Aeschylus, 64–65, 71               Assante, Armand, 18
               Aeson (king of Iolcos), 45         Athena (deity), 14, 15–16, 23
               Agamemnon (Aeschylus),
                 64–65                            Bacchae. See Maenads
               Agamemnon (king of Mycenae),  Bacchae (Euripides), 52, 59, 61
                 7, 62–65                         Barber, Samuel, 66
               Agaue, 61                          Battista, Giovanni, 54
               Altar of Zeus at Pergamum,         Bearden, Romare, 18
                 24                               Bellerophon (hero), 15–16
               Amazons (warrior women), 60        Bibliotheca (Pseudo-
               Ambrosia, 50, 52                     Apollodorus), 72
               Ancient Greece, 6                  Blalock, Jolene, 66
               Anderson, Judith, 66               Blinding of Polyphemus, The
               Andromeda (deity), 19                (Tibaldi), 18
               Anouilh, Jean, 66                  Böcklin, Arnold, 29
               Antaeus (giant), 37–40, 40, 43     Bowra, C.M., 7
               Antigone, 51                       Bronze Age (ca. 1600–ca.
               Antigone (Sophocles), 51             1100 BCE), 5, 21–22
               Aphrodite (deity), 59–60           Bruch, Max, 18
               Apollo (deity), 25, 32             Brynner, Yul, 18
               Apollonius of Rhodes, 26, 27,      Busiris (Egyptian king), 43
                 45, 48–49
               archaeology, 4–5                   Caldwell, Zoe, 66
               Ares (deity), 25                   Callas, Maria, 66
               Argonautica, 26                    Cavalli, Francesco, 66
               Argonauts, 26, 26–27, 46           Cerberus (monster), 12–14, 13

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