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                             A Public Health


              Since the  mid-1990s, when  the fi rst  major study  of childhood
              trauma was published, scientists have compiled a vast amount of
              research on the topic. This has broadened scientifi c understand-
              ing of its causes, its effects on children and adolescents, and its
              prevalence, including the regions of the United States where it is
              most prevalent. Although much remains unknown, scientists and

              health offi cials widely agree that childhood trauma is one of soci-
              ety’s most urgent problems.
                 One report that highlighted this urgency was released in Feb-
              ruary 2018 by Child Trends, an organization that conducts re-
              search on improving children’s lives. Using a comprehensive anal-
              ysis of data from a national children’s health survey, researchers
              found that nearly half of children and youth in the United States
              have experienced at least one ACE, and many experienced more
              than one. “There’s an increasing awareness that these experienc-
              es are a really important public-health issue,”  says Child Trends
              research scientist Vanessa Sacks.

              The Many Causes of Trauma
              Although children can be, and are, subjected to a disturbing vari-
              ety of traumatic experiences, such experiences have proved to be
              much more common than others. According to the Child Trends
              report, the most prevalent ACE, affecting an average of 25.5 per-
              cent of children, is living in a family that does not have enough
              income to pay for basic expenses like food and housing. That ACE
              is closely followed by divorce of parents or guardians, which affects
              about 25 percent of children.

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