Page 8 - Caribbean Immigrants in Canada - Immigration to Canada: Then and Now
P. 8


                             advocacy                              plantations

                             public support for a person           large farms or estates
                             or cause

                             colonies                              people who carry luggage or

                             settlements in a new country          other loads on a train

                             customs                               prejudices

                             ways of doing things specific to      negative opinions or judgments
                             one culture                           about an individual or a group

                                                                   that are not based on fact
                             exile                                 or reason

                             when someone has been

                             banned from his or her                racist
                             home country, usually as              showing or acting out prejudice
                             a punishment                          against people of a certain race

                                                                   or ethnicity
                             people doing unskilled work in  refugees

                             difficult conditions for low pay      people fleeing from a
                                                                   harsh government in their
                             objective                             own country

                             not influenced by personal
                             feelings or opinions


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