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WHY MAKE                                  All instruments have one
                                                     thing in common: they
           MUSIC?                                    make a sound which adds

           Music is made for many                    to the quality of the music.
           different reasons. In ancient             But the way they make
           and medieval times, it was              TYPES OF INSTRUMENT  this sound can vary. Some
           most often used for worship               instruments are blown into,
           in religious ceremonies.                  some are hit, while others
           It still has this use today,              have strings which
           but also exists to provide                are strummed,
           entertainment, as an art                  plucked, or played
           form, and to sell products                with a bow.
           in advertising. Music is also
           featured in films and TV
           programs to help convey                                            Bongo drums are played by
           emotions and to accompany                                        being hit by the musician’s hands.
           the action that is taking
           place on screen.                     MUSIC ACROSS THE WORLD
                                                Every country and culture has its own style and
                                                way of making music. It might have a fast rhythm
                                                or be slow and gentle. It may also include certain
                                                dances, costumes, or other rituals as part of the
                                                musical experience.

                                                  The crowd watches a performance by the rock band
                                                the Who, at Glastonbury, UK, in 2015. Glastonbury is
                                                one of the world’s largest music festivals.
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