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MUSICAL SCIENCE                                                         Plucking an electric guitar
                                                                                 string causes it to vibrate,
           In scientific terms, all music works in                               creating a sound wave which is
                                                                                 then amplified electronically.
           the same way. When someone sings,
           an instrument is played, or a stereo
           plays a record, it creates a sound
           wave—a movement of air particles—
           that travels through the air to our ears.
           The frequency of the sound wave—
           how quickly it vibrates—determines
           whether we hear the sound as a high
           or a low pitch. High-frequency waves
           are detected as high-pitch notes, while
           low-frequency waves are detected
           as low-pitched notes.

           An orchestra may have as many as 36
         stringed instruments: 20 violins (divided in two
         between first violins, which play the melodies,
         and second violins, which play slightly lower
         notes), 10 cellos, and 6 doubles basses.

        Written music          Chords                Conductors            Choirs
        Music is written on a set    Individual notes can be   The conductor stands at    Choirs use differently
        of five horizontal lines   combined to form chords   the front of the orchestra   pitched voices to
        known as a stave       (see page 18).        directing the performance   create harmonies      7
        (see page 16–17).                            (see page 19).        (see pages 20–21).
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