Page 10 - #2 Dive into Danger
P. 10

People think gaming causes real-life
            violence, but it’s not true. Video games keep
            our inner beasts in check—the same way green
            plastic army men did when we were little.

            When we tossed those little guys off the roof,
            we weren’t learning how to kill people. We were
            learning to think. It’s the same with RPGs.
               “You nearly bought the farm, Duff,” I say.
               “You know it, Pudge,” he answers, “but that
            hot little tank was unstoppable. And did you

            see that healer? Holy jeez, he was amazing.”
               “Yeah,” I whisper. “He really was. And I
            want to be just like him.”
               “You will be,” Duff says without a trace of
            sarcasm. “It’s your destiny.”

               I feel a lump in my throat. Yeah, I kind of
            love that guy.
               That night I dream of my destiny the
            minute my head hits the pillow. And a
            pandaren girl named Pompom is standing right
            beside me.

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