Page 5 - #2 Dive into Danger
P. 5

“Better hit the books,” he says when things
               get awkward. So I head down for the night. He
               thinks homework is hard for me, but it’s not. I
               may be fat, but I’m not stupid. Forty minutes

               and all the assignments I didn’t finish at school
               are done. Then I’m free to play World of
               Warcraft, my favorite video game—as long as
               he doesn’t know about it.
                  “Video games are a waste of energy,”
               he says, “illusions to distract you from real

               life.” He said the same thing about my art
               and my mother’s dream of being a singer.
               I respectfully disagree. Drawing keeps me
               focused. Every doodle helps me learn. And
               RPGs—role-playing games—are my life.

               When I play WoW, I’m the guy he wants me
               to be.
                  I haven’t been playing WoW long, but
               when I sign on to the game from my laptop, I
               am transformed. I am Hippocrates, an undead
               zombie priest and healer, reanimated by the

               power of a banshee queen. And while I’m a

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