Page 8 - #2 Dive into Danger
P. 8

pumped. But no one can play until two more
            important players join the group.
               When two other players finally join us, the
            healer and the tank come together—probably

            friends like Duffy and me. Duff lets out a little
            whistle. “Check out the pandaren tank,” he
            says. “She’s decked out in heirlooms. We’re in
            good hands.”
               “Heirlooms?” I ask, turning to inspect the
            little panda’s gear.

               “Expensive hand-me-downs from a more
            experienced character,” he says. “Pompomz
            may look new like us, but the person playing
            her has chops. Let’s do this!”
               Without hesitation, the tank enters first to

            draw the enemy fire. The sheer chaos would
            slaughter a lesser player, but Pompomz is
            fearless. She shines with confidence, so I settle
            back to watch her work.
               A conversation bubble appears. “Keep
            a safe distance and watch out for acid,” she

            warns Duffy.

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