Where's My Stuff?: The Ultimate Teen Organizing Guide 2nd Edition - page 6

Sending You an SOS
Choose from 3
School Organizing Systems
We don’t need to tell you how frustrating it is to lose your homework all the time—
or how annoying it is when nobody believes you actually did it. It’s enough to send a
perfectly good student perfectly mad.
If you can relate, you need an
—a School Organizing System. This is the best
way to keep your schoolwork straight. For your SOS, you have three options: the
Three-Ring Binder, the Accordion File, and the Spiral Notebook.
After checking them out, pick the one you like best. You can use the same SOS for
all of your subjects or mix it up, depending on what you think will be the best for
each class. Once you’ve chosen your system, you’ll get the details on what goes in it
in the next section,
The Right Sort
Option #
The Three-Ring Binder
This system uses color-tabbed dividers to determine where everything goes and
a three-hole punch to make all of your handouts binder friendly. Depending on
the size of your binders and the amount of space that you need for each class, you
can either give each class its own binder or use fewer binders by putting multiple
subjects together. This is the most flexible SOS because it lets you have as many
sections as you need.
Ideal for:
Classes that have tons of
paper, like a current events class in
which you read lots of photocopied news
articles or a biology class that uses lots of
handouts in addition to a textbook.
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