Page 6 - How to Be a Difficult Bitch: Claim Your Power, Ditch the Haters, and Feel Good Doing It
P. 6

You can’t be a Difficult Bitch all the time—not without
            running yourself ragged. Sometimes you need a break.
            Sometimes being a Difficult Bitch is unsafe, or it’s not
            considered okay in your culture.
               But somewhere, there’s a Difficult Bitch inside of you.
            You can choose when to unleash this inner self—but rest
            assured, the world needs her, him, or them.
               Let’s first address an elephant in the room here. Bitch is
            a word that has been used with many different intentions.
            Let’s go through them.
               Bitch has been used to

               A.  Put down women.
                  For example, saying, “That girl is a bitch” in a mean
                  way, when referring to a strong woman who is
                  speaking her mind.
               B.  Insult a man’s masculinity.
                  For example, saying, “You are such a little bitch!” in a
                  bullying, derogatory way in order to make a man feel
                  like “less of a man.”
               C.  Playfully talk to your friends.
                  This one is all about tone and the level of friendship.
                  You might say, “You’re such a bitch!” to a friend, and
                  if they’re in on the joke, it’s totally fine—everyone
                  is laughing. But you could say the same thing to a
                  friend and hurt their feelings. Tread lightly, and make
                  sure that you’re close with someone before you try
               D.  #BossBitch, #HeadBitchInCharge, etc.
                  These terms and hashtags have been used to talk
                  about people who take control. They’re the ones who
                  run companies and own their lives.

               I think that we’re all over A and B, right? Like, let’s move
            on, people. Done. Delete.

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