Page 5 - Kids and Cancer
P. 5

and when to stop growing. Cells are also chemically directed to
               die if they are damaged or defective, which is a process called
                   Cancer cells are rogue or renegade cells that do not follow the
               orderly processes of normal cells. Cancer cells proliferate, or mul-
               tiply, rapidly and never turn off or die through apoptosis. As the
               American Association for Cancer Research explains, “Ignoring
               the body’s signal to stop, malignant cells multiply to form tumors
               in organs and tissues or, in the case of blood cancers, crowd
               out normal cells in the blood stream and bone marrow.”  Cancer
               cells are called malignant because they can invade and destroy
               nearby tissue and spread to other parts of the body. They steal
               nutrition from normal cells and can even cause the body to grow
               new blood vessels to bring oxygen and nutrients to the tumorous
               mass. Blood cancer cells simply be-
               come so abundant that there are not         “Ignoring the body’s
               enough normal blood cells left to carry     signal to stop, malignant
               oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the     cells multiply to form
               cells in the body.                          tumors in organs and
                   Although all cancers develop the        tissues or, in the case of
               same way, cancer is not just one            blood cancers, crowd
               disease—it is a collection of more than     out normal cells in the
               one hundred related diseases. Can-          blood stream and bone
               cers are usually named for the organ
               or tissue in which they fi rst arise. For   — American Association for Cancer
               example, brain cancer starts in the           Research
               cells of the brain, and blood cancers
               may start in the cells of the bone marrow, where blood cells are
               produced. Even when the cancer cells travel to another part of the
               body, the type of cancer is determined by the organ where the
               disease fi rst started. For instance, a tumor that forms in the brain
               may form its own blood vessels through which some cancer cells
               can escape to other parts of the body and start to grow. No mat-
               ter what other organ may be affected by these breakaway cancer
               cells, the cancer is still considered a primary brain cancer. Some

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