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Hospitality Manager

                                           What Does a Hospitality
              A Few Facts                  Manager Do?

              Number of Jobs               The word  hospitality refers to providing
              About 47,800 in 2016         friendly service, housing, and entertain-
                                           ment to guests—and that is precisely
              About $28,930 to             what hospitality management is all about.
              $98,370 as of May 2017       Hospitality manager is an umbrella term
                                           that refers to management professionals
              Educational                  who oversee service establishments. For
              Bachelor’s degree often      those who dream of traveling, a hospi-
              required for top-level       tality management career could be ideal
              positions                    because the job could take them most
                                           anywhere in the world. Hospitality man-
              Personal Qualities           agers are in charge of posh resorts in the
              communication and            Caribbean; fi ve-star hotels in London,
              interpersonal skills,        Paris, and Rome; bed-and-breakfasts
              good understanding of        in New England’s small, picturesque vil-
              business and  nance,        lages; casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada, or
              sales, problem-solving       Monaco’s famed Monte Carlo; and the
              and decision-making          luxury accommodations of cruise ships.
              skills, ability to keep calm     Hospitality management profession-
              in stressful situations
                                           als’ titles vary widely from job to job. They
              Work Settings                may be called general manager, opera-
              Hotels and resorts all over   tions manager, lodging manager, director,
              the world                    or chief executive, just to name a few. As

              Future Job Outlook           different as their jobs and titles may be,
              Projected 4 percent          the one responsibility these professionals
              growth rate through 2026     share is ensuring that guests receive the
                                           best service possible during a visit.

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