Page 4 - Attention Hijacked: Using Mindfulness to Reclaim Your Brain from Tech
P. 4


           A few years back, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when I
           came across an image of Miranda, my childhood best friend. She was
           on a beautiful white-sand tropical beach, tan and radiant, contorted
           into an incredible yoga pose. In contrast, I was sitting in my living
           room, pasty white and deeply bundled against the frigid Maine temps,
           nearly comatose from tech use. And I noticed something. As I stared
           at the pic, my throat clenched slightly. My shoulders rose up just a
           hair. And my stomach dropped. I had a wisp of a thought: Ugh. I wish
           that was me. This was followed by a cascade of reasons that I was better
           than her, in a desperate attempt to make myself feel better.

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