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The remaining players decided to
         form one team—the Winnipeg Falcons—
          named after Iceland’s national bird.

                                                                           The team, however, had a new
                                                                         problem: finding a league to play in.
                                                                        Other hockey clubs in Winnipeg still
                                                                             refused to play with them.

                                                                           The Falcons were eventually
                                                                          allowed to play against junior
                                                                         or intermediate teams, but they
                                                                          wanted to play against those
                                                                            at their senior level too.

                                                                  1912 - 13 SCHEDULE

                                                             So the Falcons applied
                                                              to play in the 1910-1911
                                                             Winnipeg Senior Hockey
                                                             League, but they were
                                                              once again rejected
                                                               simply because of
                                                                their ethnicity.
                                                               Bigotry in the city
                                                               was still strong.

                                                      Not about to give up, the
                                                       Falcons responded by
                                                     creating a new league made
                                                      up of teams from Kenora,
                                                     Brandon, and a new Winnipeg
                                                     Amateur Association team.
                                                      In 1912, the Falcons won
                                                     that league’s championship.

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