Page 7 - My FlipBook
P. 7

1   Clean out the pizza box. Remove any
                                                                  cardboard liners that the box came with.

                                                              2   On the top of the pizza box’s lid, draw

                                                                  a square that is about 1 inch (2.5 cm)
                                                                  inward from each edge.

                                                              3   With an adult’s help, use a utility knife to

                                                                  cut through each side of the square you
                                                                  just drew except for the side that runs
                                                      2           along the hinge of the box. Then fold the
                                                                  flap back slightly along the attached side.

                                                              4   Line the inside of the cardboard flap with

                                                                  aluminum foil. Fold the edges of the foil
                                                                  over the flap to help hold the foil in place,
                                                                  keeping the foil as smooth as possible.



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