Page 12 - My FlipBook
P. 12


        1909   The National Association for the      1972   Aboriginal activists set up a “tent
               Advancement of Colored People               assembly” outside the Australian
               (NAACP) is founded in New York.             parliament to protest land rights.
        1920   The American Civil Liberties Union    1977   Disabled activists hold the 504
               (ACLU) is founded.                          Sit-In in San Francisco and other
                                                           cities to protest the slow progress
        1932   In India, Mohandas K. Gandhi holds
               his first hunger strike.                    of disability rights legislation.
                                                     1994   Nelson Mandela is elected
        1944   The National Congress of American
               Indians is founded after Native             president in South Africa’s first
               American service in World War II.           fully democratic elections.
                                                     2012   Canadian activists form Idle No
        1946   Viola Desmond refuses to leave the          More to fight for First Nations
               White section of a theater in Nova          sovereignty and land protection.
               Scotia—a key moment in the civil
               rights movement in Canada.            2013   Black Lives Matter (BLM) is formed
                                                           when the killer of Black American
        1954   NAACP lawyers persuade the
               Supreme Court to outlaw                     Trayvon Martin is freed by a court.
               segregation in education.             2018   The Windrush campaign forces the
                                                           British government to allow long-
        1956   A year-long public boycott leads
               to the desegregation of buses in            term immigrants from the
               Montgomery, Alabama.                        Caribbean to remain in the country.
                                                     2020   BLM coordinates global protests
        1963   More than 250,000 people join the           following the police killing of
               March on Washington to claim                George Floyd in Minneapolis.
               better rights for Black Americans.
        1963   In Bristol, UK, a boycott forces the
               bus company to change a policy
               outlawing Black workers.
        1969   Activists occupy Alcatraz Island in
               San Francisco to highlight Native
               American land rights.
        1969   A riot breaks out when police
               raid the Stonewall Inn in New York
               City. The event leads to a new
               type of gay rights activism.

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