Page 10 - My FlipBook
P. 10

“And this is my room and our schoolroom, too,” Toni
               added. She opened one of the two doors at the back of the
               camper. Under a bunk bed was a desk with two computers

               on it. Two swivel chairs were bolted to the floor in front
               of the desk. “We go to school online. Mrs. Webster is our

                  “That’s cool,” Isabel said, then she looked at a sign

               nailed to the door. Written in big letters on the sign were
               the words area closed—Bear danger. Under them was
               a silhouette of a grizzly bear. “I like your sign. We have

               grizzly and black bears in Yellowstone, too.”
                  “Toni gave me that sign at our first shoot in Denali

               National Park in Alaska,” Buck said as he finished
               buttoning his official shirt. “We actually helped rescue
               some grizzly cubs up there.”

                  “And this patch came from our second shoot,” Toni
               said. She turned around to show Isabel a patch sewn onto

               her backpack. It had a lizard in front of a rock formation.
               The word canyonlands was written down one side and
               naTional park across the bottom. “That episode featured

               dinosaurs, and we got to see thousands of their tracks.

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