Page 7 - My FlipBook
P. 7

“Did you film the stampede?” he asked.
              “I was filming the bison when they started running,
            and just followed them all the way to the parking lot,”

            Shoop said. “I’m not sure what I caught after that. I was
            too worried about you.”

              “The camera is still on,” Toni said. “I can see the red

              “I’d better go turn it off,” Shoop said. “It’s just running
            down the battery.”
              “Go get changed, Buck,” Dad said. “We’ll meet you

            back at the bridge.”
              Buck glanced to the far side of the parking lot. The

            bison had moved deeper into the woods and were almost
            out of sight.
              “You don’t have to worry about them now,” Isabel said,

            “but I’ll come with you. I’d like to see that camper of

              “I wasn’t worried,” Buck said. “Just checking.”
              “I’ll come, too,” Toni said.
              Dad and Shoop turned toward the bridge as the others

            headed toward the Green Beast.

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